Features Qualifies
For Federal Tax CreditENERGY STAR qualifiedSleek, modern designCommercial-grade heat exchangerComes standard with MC-91-1 digital controller with
error code indicatorLightweight and compactEZConnect™
(connects two units together)Meets California and Texas NOx emission standardsWorks with natural gas or propaneEnergy Factor of .82 for both gas typesCompatible with full line of Rinnai digital controllersTemperature range with controllers:
98°– 160° F12-year heat exchanger limited warranty for residential installations
(5 years on parts, 1 year on labor)
14” W x 25” H x 10” D Weight: 46 lbs. Installation:
Exterior/Residential or Commercial Approved Gas Types: Natural Gas or Propane Minimum/Maximum
Gas Rate (Input BTUs): 15,000 - 180,000 NG or LP Hot Water Capacity:
0.6 to 7.5 GPM at 35° rise Energy Factor: .82 for NG or LP Electrical:
AC 120 Volts – 60 Hz Connections: Gas Supply: ¾ inch MNPT Cold Water Inlet:
¾ inch MNPT Hot Water Outlet: ¾ inch MNPT Temperature Range (Min-Max)
Residential 98°-140° F Commercial 98°-160° F Standard
Digital Controller: MC-91-1
MC91-1S/W: Standard Digital Controller
MC-100V-1S/W: Deluxe Remote Controller BC-100V-1S/W: Bath Fill Remote Controller MC-502RC-1MS: Wireless Remote Controller MCC-91-W: Commercial Controller RGB-25U:
Recess Box RGB-25U-MSAL: Moisture Seal Recess Box PCD03-SM2: Pipe Cover Enclosure
PCD03-SM2-BP: Bottom Plate for Pipe Cover WRIK-C: Copper Plumbing Kit WRIK-F:
Female Iron Pipe Plumbing Kit EZConnect™: EZ Connect Cable
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Call for Store Hours Glowing Embers Hearth & Home, LLC. * 819A Middle
Tpke East* Manchester * CT * 06042 * *
Phone: 860-432-2170 * Fax: 860-432-2978 *